Frequently Asked Questions: 

Who should I contact for questions about Retirement, Pension, Annuity, Reimbursements, Early Withdrawals?

What is the 3% Assessment?

When hired on a production, your start paperwork will have a question to automatically take out Union Dues. This is not the same as your Quarterly Dues, this specific question is the 3% Assessment fee. Payroll companies will calculate 3% of your gross earnings (minus meal penalties and kit rentals) and send it to the local jurisdiction. If you do not check this box then the 3% will not be automatically taken out of your check and the local will invoice you for those charges later on. After every show the office performs an audit to find missed assessments. To avoid these charges, please be sure to check the box and check your paystub to confirm it is being taken out. Should you need the form for the accounting department, it is available in the “Member Resource” drop down menu.

Quarterly Dues: 

  • Quarterly dues are kept low at $68 per quarter or $272 for the year.
  • You must stay up to date on your dues to be considered a member “in good standing”
  • If you do not pay your dues, within 10 days of the due date, you will be charged a $5 late fee.
  • Regardless of how much you have worked, you still are responsible for your dues.
  • Minimum Credit Card Payment is $10. We are flexible if you need to pay as you can, just communicate that to us.
  • Pay your bill online without logging in. If you have any trouble please call the office for assistance.
  • Quarters are as follows: January1, April 1, July 1, Oct 1

Honorable Withdrawal: 

  • If you will no longer be working in the industry, it is advisable to ask for an Honorable Withdrawal. Please call the office to check your account status first.
  • To do this you need to be up to date on any charges on your account and send the following in writing to the local.
    • I,__________, a member in Good Standing of Local 487, do hereby request an Honorable Withdrawal, effective_________ I also understand that I will no longer be eligible to work in any covered craft of this Local as an Honorable Withdrawal.
  • The benefit of doing this is if you wish to rejoin later on it allows you to rejoin without paying the initiation fee of $1000. Instead, you would just need to pay up to 2 years of dues.


  • To avoid expulsions, make sure you are up to date on any charges on your account.
  • You will receive a warning letter when your account is facing expulsion
  • Call the office if you need assistance.
  • Expulsions will resume at the end of 2024 so please keep your account up to date